Please fix this issue. Also experience many crashes. The fact that the user finds something wrong with your app in the first few days of release means developers are not paying attention or not doing their job.
Please fix this issue. Also experience many crashes. The fact that the user finds something wrong with your app in the first few days of release means developers are not paying attention or not doing their job.
看udn新聞快20年,習慣了!從網頁版看到App版。 謝謝能推出App,方便隨時掌握新聞。 希望App能再改進: 1. 目前只能直立式閱讀,請改進為隨手勢方向也都可看( 人家King.com的游戲,例如candy crush ,不論手上裝置是上下左右乃至顛倒,都能玩)。 2. 一點擊App,帶有聲音的廣告先跳出來,非常不喜歡,吃流量的,在戶外都不敢開,不然就快速殺掉。